Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Plant Proteins Misunderstood

by Stacy Remington

For years there has been controversy over the quality and quantity of plant proteins versus animal proteins.  What it really comes down to is that plant proteins are underestimated and misunderstood.  It is true, we cannot survive without protein in our diet. I do not think anyone is disputing that. In a day where we really need to be cognizant of what we consume because of all of the hormones, antibiotics, and other toxins put into the animals that are raised for human consumption, it is important to know that plant proteins provide more than enough quality amino acids and consuming a plant-based diet does not mean that you are not getting complete proteins.  Also, it is unnecessary for those following a vegetarian diet to have to mix and match plant proteins to ensure you are getting enough complete proteins, as previously believed, because the body stores and releases the amino acids it needs over a 24-hour period.  If you do not consume all of the essential amino acids in one day, but get the missing ones the next day, you are still getting all the protein that your body needs.  Another interesting fact is that 1/6 of our daily protein utilization comes from our body recycling our own body tissue by digesting cells lining our digestive tract.  This process helps to even out any variation in amino acid "incompleteness".  The true problem arises when a vegetarian diet revolves around refined and processed foods causing low protein levels.  Once vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts are introduced to such a diet, it becomes protein-rich. 

You still do not think a plant-based diet provides enough protein?  Let's put this into perspective.  Most plant foods, except fruit, supply at least 10 percent of calories from protein, with green vegetables averaging about 50 percent of their calories from protein. One cup of cooked spinach contains more protein per calorie than a Burger King cheeseburger.  Also, 100 calories of broccoli contains more protein than 100 calories of sirloin steak!  I think Popeye was on to something!  Dr. Joel Furhman, author of "Eat to Live", tried to compose a natural foods diet deficient in any required amino acid using a computer dietary-analysis program.  He found it impossible.  Any assortment of plant foods contained about 30-40 grams of protein per 1,000 calories.  He says that when your caloric needs are met, your protein needs are met automatically.

So from a different perspective... the rhinoceros, hippopotamus, gorilla, giraffe, and elephant are all very large animals.  How did they get that way?  Plant proteins.  All of these animals are herbivores.  Animals do not make amino acids from nothing, all amino acids originally came from plants.  A big strong lion's muscles can only be composed of protein precursors and amino acids that its prey, the zebra and the gazelle ate... green grass made the lion.